Sunday, October 19, 2008

My little prairie girl

We're on our second book in the Little House on the Prairie series. So with Ava's 5th birthday coming up, we thought it'd be nice to take her to the original homestead of the Ingalls. It's only about 5 1/2 hours away, so we're going to leave early in the morning the weekend before her birthday, stay over night ("In a hotel with a POOL!!" Ava says), and head home the next day. She is very excited! I thought it'd be a really cool early birthday present to make her a Little House on the Prairie dress so she could dress up on our trip. I finally got it done tonight and surprised her with it. She was so happy and she looks as cute as a button!

You know, now days there are few young ladies worthy of the admiration of little girls. I'm so thankful to have found these books and in doing so, found a role model for Ava. Reading this series has lead us into so many discussions on obedience, discipline, manners, and etiquette, to name a few. And Ava talks about Laura as if she's a good friend. We enjoy this series very much. Even Eli will sit and listen while I read. And, shhh!!, sometimes I even read ahead!


Brook said...

Hi Charlene! I love the dress!...Are you talking about the homestead in Mansfield, MO! If so, this is actually the place where Laura wrote the Little House books, where Almanzo and Laura live after they were married, not the original homestead of the Ingalls. I think some friends of ours went and were a little disappointed because they had different expectations. But they still thought it was interesting to see where they lived and the historical artifacts they have on display there.

Charlene said...

Oh, that would be disappointing! We're going to Independence, KS. It's the original Prairie with an exact replica of their little house. We're very excited!