Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall time organizing

Today was a nice day. The kids and I walked to the post office, my sister's, then to a couple resale shops on Main St. and got home just in time for lunch. It was perfect weather, about 62 degrees for the high. This means it's time to get out fall clothes.
This is something I love to do because I love to throw things away. So on days like today, my mood lifts a little bit more each time I throw something into the "Toss" pile. This year, I made the decision that I was seriously going to down-size everyone's wardrobes. You see, everyone in the house has an appointed day that their laundry gets washed. This means that everyone needs 7 outfits for the week with the exception of Eli and Serenity who change clothes frequently throughout the day. So my goal was to get rid of everything, keeping only 7 of the nicest outfits and pajamas. I know this sounds extreme, but I'm tired of trying to cram clothes into over-stuffed closets and drawers and it's just not necessary. For example, just Ava's fall clothes fill up a small cedar chest and 2 boxes. My mind feels cluttered just typing that. Anyway, I've been planning and awaiting this day for months and it went really well! I couldn't get Ava's closet dwindled down to 7 outfits, but I did get it down to 12. Mackenzie and Dallas have about 5 each, which works well since they're only here 3 days a week. And I paired up all of their clothes into outfits so they can just grab one and go. Ahh... the feeling of accomplishment!

1 comment:

Brook said...

How funny, we're in the process of doing this right now. Though some of us don't quite have seven outfits yet. This definitely makes things a lot easier!