Sunday, February 15, 2009

Serenity's New Cloth Napkin Shirt

Oh, I am so excited! You see, about a year ago I found some really cute cloth napkins at the Dollar Tree for $1 a piece. I went ahead and grabbed a bunch, though I had no idea what to do with them. Today I finally found a use for a couple of them, and in the most unexpected place!

Serenity's little fat body has already outgrown my winter clothes supply for her. She is so short and so fat that I have a hard time finding clothes to fit and if they do, they're way too long. So today I set out to make her some new pants. I used a knit material so there would be some stretch and room to move for her. As I was on the last pair of pants I glanced down and saw my super cute napkins poking out of a drawer. The more I looked at them the more I realized how great they would look with these pants and what a time saver they would be! So I cut 1 strip from each long side of a napkin and sewed it to the bottom of the pants, gathering as I went. And for the shirt I folded each top corner of 2 napkins in 3x7 inches. Then I folded the top down about an inch and a half to make a casing for the elastic. After that I stitched the sides together, added elastic through the casing, and Voila! A brand new, so-stinkin'-cute, outfit! And the best part about it was that I didn't have to take the time to hem those pesky raw edges because the edges of the napkins were already hemmed. Of course, you could do this very easliy with some pants that may be too short for your little one or a plain pair that you want to dress up a little. So, with balancing a fussy baby, the whole thing took about an hour to make and only cost about $5. Here's the finished product. Sorry, she was not being photogentic!

My lesson learned?... The Dollar Tree may possible be bursting at the seams with thrifty crafting finds! I can't wait to go back!

1 comment:

5sweetiez4me said...

This outfit is so adorable! I think you should have her wear it to ARCHE sometime so I can have a closer look! I would love to do something like that for my girls, except I have little imagination!!