Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Come Thou Fount video

I think so often we forget about the truth and beauty of the old time hymns. The older I get, the more I enjoy them. While I used to consider them boring, they are now some of my favorite tunes to listen to. Come Thou Fount is at the top of my list. This song is packed with such biblical truth, every line saying something so inspiring that I can listen to it every day and still be moved by it. This is the song that's sang to Serenity every night as she doses off. It is very special to our family. I hope it blesses your day today!

Favorite line: "Prone to wonder, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above." This should be our constant prayer.


Julia said...

Good Morning Char ...
I was listening to your favorite this morning and thinking of you and yours.

See if you enjoy this arrangement as much as I do. I'd love to hear you sing this in church ...

Charlene said...

Beautiful! She has a wonderful voice! Thank you for sharing. It was a blessing to us this morning!