Sunday, December 20, 2009

Swaddling Blanket

Everyone knows that swaddling is the most effective way to calm and comfort a baby, but it wasn't until I received a set of extra large swaddling blankets from my aunt after Serenity was born that I realized how easy and snugly they could really be! I'm not sure just how big these blanket were, but they were much larger than your ordinary receiving blanket and made from super soft flannel. I used them so much with Serenity and she never out grew them, even though she was so chubby! I know, it sounds silly to be so in love with something as simple and ordinary as a receiving blanket, but once you've used an extra large one, you'll never go back! It makes it so much easier to swaddle and the wrap actually stays put! So, naturally, when Viggo was born, I started thinking about these blankets... how wonderful they are, how soft, and how they are so so PINK! Obviously, we can not wrap our sweet little bundle of boy in these pink blankets, even though I really was tempted to! So, since I can't do much of anything else right now anyway, I started the great on-line search for some larger swaddling blankets. I was in shock at what I found. A wide selection of fabric, all in to-die-for prints, with a very large price tag! I, personally, just cannot justify spending $40, or more, on a set of receiving blankets. I kept thinking there has to be another way. So I checked Ebay, Etsy, places like that, only to find that everyone was still charging much more than I was willing to pay. Finally it dawned on me, "I can sew!" Why I didn't think of this earlier, I do not know, we'll blame it on the postpartum Mommy brain! Jo Ann's happened to have their flannel on sale for $2.49 a yard this week. Add to that my teacher discount they give me (I'm a frequent shopper :)! ) and I was able to get super soft and funky flannel for a super-low cost! I cut each blanket to a perfect square: 44x44". From there I simply hemmed all four sides and Voila! I have extra large, super soft, and totally cute swaddling blankets that took me about 10-15 minutes per blanket to make (While wearing a baby in a sling!) and only cost about $2.50 each. It was simple enough that ANYONE could do it and the end result is fantastic! I get the tightest and best swaddle ever with these and Viggo drifts to sleep instantly. So, planning on attending a baby shower soon? These are a great gift idea!

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