Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Ice Cream

Oh what a fun couple of days we've had here! The kids have had so much fun playing out in the snow, but all Eli wanted to do was throw snow at Kevin! Here's a few pictures of them, just for fun. Make sure you scroll past that for my recipe for Snow Ice Cream, no ice cream maker neccessary!

Snow Ice Cream

Okay, this is what you need per serving:

1 large Ziplock bag

2 small Ziplock bags

6 tablespoons of salt

1/2 cup milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 tablespoons sugar

Start off by filling you large bags 1/2 full of snow. Add your salt and squeeze and mash this up for about 5 minutes. Some of the pieces will get really hard, but that's okay. Once you've squeezed enough set it aside and fill one of your small baggies with your milk, sugar, and vanilla. Close that bag and squeeze out enough air as possible. Place that baggie into the other small baggie, squeeze as much air out as possible, then close it. Now put that into your large, snow filled baggie. Again, squeeze out as much air as you can and seal it. Then start squeezing the big bag again. You'll have to do this for about 5 minutes. Be gentle and try to keep the snow around the smaller baggie. When the time is up, take out you small baggies, open them up, and slide your icecream into a bowl. Yummy!

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