Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Homemade baby shoes

Yes, you read that title right! Who would've thought? Well, obviously somebody did and boy am I thankful!

We've always been lovers of soft baby shoes like Robeez and Bobux, but we don't love the price! At $30 a pair, one pair at a time is all we could ever buy and even that was hard on our conscience. But we knew these little shoes were better for our babies feet than those hard-soled, tight shoes.

Serenity has been barefoot her whole 10 1/2 months of life, but now the weather is cold and strangers have started inquiring (Sometimes rather rudely!) about where her shoes are. So Kevin and I started the hunt. We checked Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, e-bay, etsy, and many more trying to get a good deal. We had nothing but bad luck! So finally I started thinking, "Surely I'm not the only one who has been in this situation and there are many crafty people out there..." So I did a quick search and found so many links to free patterns and tuts on making soft-soled baby shoes!

I just finished Serenity's first pair. It took me about 2 hours and cost about $2!!! Whew, what a relief! Here's the finished product:

Here's the link I used:
She gives really great instructions. The only thing I really changed is the sole. She calls for leather or suede and the local fabric store didn't have either of those. So I bought pleather. I'm sure after time it won't hold up as nicely, but Serenity's not walking yet and I'm impatient, so this was my choice. Next time I'll probably look for something a little more durable.


rowdymetsfan said...

those are very cute. i am very proud of you for doing this. by the way i can leave comments on your blog now, in case you havent already figured that out.

Megan said...

Very cute! And they are even cuter in person! I am telling you people would buy this stuff from you!! Business opportunity!!